September Mantra: I am beautiful. I am worthy. I am loveable.

Alright, this one is for all the females, and inspired by my wise teacher, Brianna, my 2 year old daughter. Brianna went through a phase a few months ago where she said everything was beautiful. But because she’s only two, it came out as “das bootiful”. Her cuteness level is an 11/10. She is so […]

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Summer Mantra: Play. Relax. Have fun!

The definition of “fun” is “enjoyment, amusement, or lighthearted pleasure. Ie. the children were having fun in the play area | anyone who turns up can join in the fun.” Did you notice that it doesn’t say the “adults were having fun”? As summer approaches, it’s a good time to find your inner child and […]

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May Mantra: OM. We are all one.

MOTM May Om we are all one. I believe in my core that we are all connected. You’ve heard the law of seven degrees of separation? It states that any two people in the world are separated by at most seven connections connecting one person (acquaintance, friend, relative, or other) to another. But it’s more […]

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April mantra: My routines are my rituals.

Habits, Rituals and Routines. Take a moment to think about yours. If you have a column for each, what actions would go in each column and why? Routines are everywhere, from getting up and brushing our teeth, morning coffee, making the bed, showering, going to the gym, the list is endless and varies from person […]

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March Mantra: This too shall pass.

This too shall pass. Change: the only thing that is ever truly constant. No feeling is final. I called on this mantra in a recent trip to Palm Springs, when what should have been a fun and relaxing vacation turned into a trip from hell. It all started with a day trip to the Salton […]

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February Mantra: Move it or Lose it

The older I get and the more I experience life, the more I realize how important yoga is on different levels. I spend a lot of time sharing the mental and spiritual rewards of this practice. Yet sometimes I forget that the physical aspect is important for maintaining and sustaining our earth suit, or “vehicle”, […]

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January Mantra: Movement is for my mind

Here we are: January. Most people don’t *love* January. It’s a dark contrast to the joy and bustle of December. However, as a Yoga studio owner, January is one of my favorite months. People flock back to the studio, all hyper motivated to reach their fitness goals. The energy of a full class feels so […]

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December Mantra: Keep it simple, Santa.

As we enter the month of hustle and bustle, and dashing here and there, it is a good time to pause.  Let us reflect on what we want our holiday, our home, our life to look like.  Pause.  For years I thrust myself into holiday chaos, filling life with stuff. Somehow, it represented happiness, love […]

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November Mantra: I disconnect to connect.

Stop what you are doing right now, look around, and see if you can find 5 people. I bet all of those people have a device in front of their face. How long does it take for someone to make eye contact with you? Seriously, do it. Stop, breathe and count how many breaths you […]

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October Mantra: When I sleep well, I feel well.

“When I sleep well, I feel well.” SLEEP. What comes to mind when you hear this word? Do you dread it due to insomnia, or other sleep issues? Do you relish in it and look forward to retreating to your bed nightly? Our relationship with sleep changes over the years and the cycles that it […]

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