May Mantra: Rest is productive.

This month, let’s explore what true rest entails, and why it’s crucial that we prioritize it now.

We are in the season of bloom. All of us are emerging from hibernation, dusting off the cobwebs of winter and blooming with the sunshine. The days are longer, the temperature is warmer, and so many of us are feeling inspired to move, play and socialize. And I am here for all of this; I enjoy spring just as much as the next person!

BUT, this can also be the season of burnout. They don’t call it May Madness for nothing! If we’re not careful, all this excitement and socializing and planning and movement can lead to a sharp zapping of our energetic stores. We still need to prioritize rest. So, how can we make the most of our rest? How can we prioritize the recharging of our energetic batteries?

Recently, my friend shared a perspective on rest, and reframed what I had originally thought … which honestly, was restorative yoga, naps and baths. And those are rest, but also rest can be so much more.

Here’s what she shared with me:
Rest is any behavior aimed at increasing physical or mental well-being. It can be active, such as going for a walk outside, or passive, such as taking 10 minutes to sit down and breathe deeply. Rest can help you to recover and recharge; this is why rest is linked to better physical and mental health.

Did you know there are different types of rest?
Physical rest: Taking a break from physical activities like stretching or going for a massage.
Mental rest: Stepping away from constant mental stimulation, like turning off your phone or meditating.
Emotional rest: Giving yourself a break from emotional demands, whether by spending time alone or talking to a friend.
Sensory rest: Taking a pause from sensory overload, like closing your eyes or soaking in a quiet bath.
Creative rest: Finding rejuvenation through creative pursuits like crafting or listening to music.
Social rest: Taking time away from social expectations, whether by spending time alone or having quality time with a few close friends.
Spiritual rest: Giving yourself space from spiritual pressures, through practices like yoga or spending time in nature.

And rest is SO productive. When you take time out for yourself, you give yourself a chance to recharge your batteries. When you recharge, you can return to your life as a fuller, more present, more vibrant version of yourself. My offering to our community this month is that we continue to prioritize rest in this season of busyness and bloom. Try to make the most of your rest… when you come to yoga, leave your phone behind, and let yourself be truly present. Don’t just “fit it in”. Prioritize your down time.

By Prestonne Sehn

Posted in Blog.