Before I became a mom, I remember hearing of the madness that was September and “back to school”. I remember Nicole being SO stressed out every September, she could barely remember to check her emails. She was always wrapped up in the “back to school” rush. As her business partner, I knew that come September, […]
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Summer mantra: Nature grounds me.
Nature grounds me. As we approach summer this year, I find myself seeking a more grounding practices. My standard is to say “yes!” to everything and buzz about summer like a busy bee. One of my life’s works is to have fun, and fun is often an action. Last year’s summer blog was all about […]
Read MoreJune Mantra of the Month
Slow down. One thing at a time. The other day, I lost a significant sum of money. Not in the stock market, but actually misplaced or lost all of my daughter’s tip money that I was holding for her until we could get to the bank. How could I just loose hundreds of dollars!? I’m […]
Read MoreMay Mantra: Rest is productive.
This month, let’s explore what true rest entails, and why it’s crucial that we prioritize it now. We are in the season of bloom. All of us are emerging from hibernation, dusting off the cobwebs of winter and blooming with the sunshine. The days are longer, the temperature is warmer, and so many of us […]
Read MoreApril Mantra: Forgiveness is the medicine.
Growing up in a Catholic household was a fundamental part of my upbringing. From attending Catholic school to weekly church visits, the rituals and traditions of Catholicism were deeply woven into the fabric of my life. Although I no longer a practicing Catholic, I carry with me a deep sense of gratitude for the reverence […]
Read MoreMarch Mantra: One step at a time.
One step at a time. When I first signed up for the aerial yoga class in September 2019, it was probably my 34th stint at trying to stay clean and sober. I was looking for a “healthy” activity to do with a friend that didn’t involve alcohol or drugs, and had remembered seeing ads for […]
Read MoreFebruary Mantra: Pause. Take a breath.
Pause. Take a breath. In January, I introduced a new activity in my classes. Together, we compiled a list of intentions for 2024, guided by the questions “What do I want less of in my life?” and “What do I want more of?” This exercise sparked insightful conversations, revealing desires for less rushing and more […]
Read MoreJanuary Mantra: Love everybody.
As we step into 2024, I want to share a profoundly moving story that has left an indelible mark on my heart. This tale revolves around a person I had the gift of meeting during a trip to Seattle in December. My husband, Trevor, and I, accompanied by friends, had journeyed to Seattle for a […]
Read MoreDecember Mantra: Consistency trumps intensity.
Consistency trumps intensity. This is my memoir of one year spent weight lifting, and what I’ve learned on my journey towards a stronger body. But first, a reminder that we are roughly 4 weeks away from being bombarded with advertisements promising “your best body ever in just 8 weeks!” or a “total body transformation in […]
Read MoreNovember Mantra: My thoughts manifest my reality.
The idea that our thoughts can shape our reality is not a novel concept: it’s a theme that has been explored in numerous books and studies over the years. As you navigate life, have you ever noticed that when your thoughts take a negative turn, your experiences seem to mirror that negativity? Our thoughts, whether […]
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