Summer mantra: Nature grounds me.

Nature grounds me.

As we approach summer this year, I find myself seeking a more grounding practices. My standard is to say “yes!” to everything and buzz about summer like a busy bee. One of my life’s works is to have fun, and fun is often an action. Last year’s summer blog was all about the importance of having fun. This year, I’d like to focus on stillness and observation in a season that can be full of fun and chaos for some. How can we find stillness within all of this enjoyment of life? Well, I believe that nature is the answer. Connecting to nature is powerfully grounding and calming. Even though nature is alive with a cacophony of sounds and animation, just observing it can offer a deep connection to oneself and the present moment.
Here are a few ways to connect to yourself through nature this summer:

1. Barefoot Walks
Walking barefoot on natural surfaces like grass, sand, or soil, known as earthing or grounding, can have numerous benefits. This simple practice allows you to directly connect with the earth’s energy, promoting physical and emotional balance.

2. Gardening
Engaging in gardening is a wonderful way to connect with nature. The process of planting, nurturing, and harvesting plants not only provides a sense of accomplishment but also helps you stay present and grounded.

3. Forest Bathing
The Japanese practice of Shinrin-yoku, or forest bathing, involves immersing yourself in the sights, sounds, and smells of the forest. Spend time in a wooded area, taking slow, mindful walks, and observing the natural beauty around you.

4. Beach Time (My personal summer favourite)
Spending time by the water is a powerful way to ground yourself. The rhythmic sound of waves, the feel of sand beneath your feet, and the expansive view of the ocean can all contribute to a sense of calm and connection.

5. Hiking
Exploring trails and hiking paths allows you to engage in physical activity while being surrounded by nature. The combination of exercise and natural beauty can help clear your mind and ground your energy.

6. Stargazing
Stargazing can provide a profound sense of wonder and perspective, helping you feel more connected to the universe.

8. Picnicking
Enjoying a meal outdoors can be a delightful way to ground yourself. Eating fresh, seasonal foods while surrounded by nature can enhance your grounding experience and create lasting memories.

9. Mindful Breathing
Practice deep, mindful breathing in natural settings. Find a quiet spot, sit comfortably, and focus on your breath. Inhale the fresh air deeply and exhale slowly, releasing any tension. This simple practice can help you feel more centered and connected to the present moment.

10. Wildlife Watching
Observe and appreciate the wildlife around you. Whether it’s birdwatching,or spotting butterflies, taking the time to notice the creatures that share our environment can foster a sense of wonder and connection.

By incorporating these activities into your summer routine, you can deepen your connection with nature and find grounding amidst the beauty and tranquility of the natural world. Embrace the season and allow yourself to be rejuvenated by the earth’s energy.

By Nicole Whitman

Posted in Blog.