September Mantra: I schedule “me” time.

Before I became a mom, I remember hearing of the madness that was September and “back to school”. I remember Nicole being SO stressed out every September, she could barely remember to check her emails. She was always wrapped up in the “back to school” rush. As her business partner, I knew that come September, I would need to step up at the studio, so that she could manage whatever madness was being thrown her way at home. I also knew, at that time, that I should savour the simplicity that is September without children: the leaves turning beautiful shades of autumn, the crispness in the air, and the coziness of fall routine returning. I knew that one day, I would also be caught up in the back to school madness.

My eldest starts grade 1 in September, and I finally know the stress and impending doom that is September. It’s not just shopping for back to school supplies (a previous assumption). It’s registering for fall activities. It’s catching up on PAC emails. It’s ensuring that there’s no conflicts in the schedule between my work, my husband’s work, and after school activities. It’s making sure I log in at exactly 7:00am to book swimming lessons because I know if I’m even one minute late, we won’t get a spot. It’s the stress of budgeting and making sure we can even afford that additional activity! It’s the mental load of planning lunches and snacks again and ensuring there is enough tupperware for two kids (where do all the lids go!?). And it’s all of this… while ALSO trying to enjoy the last few weeks of summer weather.

And where do I land in all of this madness? Dead last, just like Nicole used to. My needs fall right to the bottom of the totem pole. A yoga class? Forget it. A pedicure? Yeah, right. No time for those luxuries. No money either. I’ll be lucky if I can snag a shower in the day!

One tool I have learned to harness over the last 6 years of motherhood is the calendar. If it’s not in the calendar, it does not exist. So this year, I want to harness the power of the schedule to carve out some “me” time. Why do I add all the kids activities, pro-d days, doctors appointments to the calendar… but not my weekly yoga class? How can I afford soccer, dance and swimming…. but not a gym membership for myself? Why is my “me” time, less of a priority than all those other appointments?

Because the truth is that my self care IS just as important, if not more important. If I don’t take time to care for myself, the wheels fall off the entire organization that is the Sehn family. My husband always jokes that “if Mommy ain’t happy, then nobody happy”. You’ve heard of the analogy of the oxygen mask on the airplane? Always put your mask on first before you assist others. Because if you can’t breathe, how the heck are you supposed to take care of your kids!?

This month, I am scheduling “me” time. I am putting my yoga classes into the calendar. I am letting everyone in the family know that mommy will be gone to the gym for an hour in the morning. I am booking that pedicure that I know I will need mid month. I am determined to not go down with the ship that is September. Wish me luck, and hey, maybe you want to join me!?

I’ll see you on the mat!
Love and light, always,

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