April Mantra: I make room for growth.

As the season shifts and the world around us begins to bloom, we’re invited to take a deeper look at the habits and relationships we carry—both on and off the mat. Are there things that no longer align with who we are becoming? Just as nature renews itself, we have an opportunity to shed old layers and make space for growth. Spring encourages movement, social interaction, and self-discovery, making it the perfect time to reassess where we want to invest our energy. Are there relationships that uplift us, or are there some that deplete us? Do certain habits hold us back from stepping fully into our lives? Now is the time to make shifts that bring us closer to our true essence.

One of my teachers once shared a beautiful analogy: when we till the soil in spring, we often uncover rocks. We gently set them aside so the ground can become fertile for new growth. This applies not just to the garden, but to our inner world as well. What obstacles—whether physical, mental, or emotional—can we release to create space for new opportunities? What fears or uncertainties keep us from stepping into the life we are meant to live?

Spring cleaning isn’t just about decluttering our homes; it’s about cleansing our energetic fields, our minds, and even our physical bodies. Here’s how we can begin:

Declutter Your Physical Space – A clean and open space invites fresh energy. Open your windows, donate what no longer serves you, and create a home environment that inspires clarity and peace. Smudging is a great way to shift the energy of a space.

Cleanse Your Mind and Spirit – Incorporate pranayama, meditation, or journaling to clear mental fog and set intentions for the new season. Imagine each exhale as a release of stagnant energy, making way for fresh possibilities.

Reassess Your Relationships – Just as we scan our bodies in savasana, we can scan our connections. Which relationships nourish and support us? Which ones leave us feeling depleted? Spring is a time to cultivate connections that align with our highest self.

Let Go of Old Patterns – Notice the habits—on the mat and in daily life—that no longer serve you. Are you holding tension in certain postures? Do you resist slowing down? Acknowledge these tendencies and explore new ways to move, breathe, and live with intention.

Welcome New Energy – Embrace change with gratitude. Set fresh goals, or simply allow yourself to flow with the rhythm of the season. Growth happens when we are open to transformation.

So, where will your spring cleaning begin? Maybe it’s rolling out your mat with a fresh perspective, releasing self-doubt in your practice, or stepping into a new chapter of self-care. Whatever it may be, this season offers a beautiful opportunity to renew, realign, and bloom. Let’s step into spring with open hearts, grounded bodies, and a spirit ready for transformation.

Written by Nicole Whitman

Posted in Blog.